Stock up on your Vuse Menthol products

On January 24, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued marketing denial orders (MDOs) for Vuse menthol products. While this is a huge step backward for responsible adult vapers that simply want a nicotine e-cig that meets their …

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Have you tried these 3 cold-weather flavors?

With the chilliest days of the year creeping in, it might be time to consider making some adjustments to your winter vaping routine. While cold-weather vaping requires you to keep your device warm and charged, certain flavors are better to …

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Your guide to which brands and products are FDA-approved for sale and marketing in the U.S.

While all of the e-cig brands we sell online at are actively working with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to gain approval for their life-changing smoking cessation aids, there are two brands with units that are approved for …

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How to keep your vape cool in the hot weather?

Summer is undoubtedly one of the most popular times of the year to get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine—whether you take a road trip across the country, head on down to the beach, or just enjoy the …

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Two of our e-cig brands are now approved for marketing and retail with others still pending

Since August 8, 2016, all e-cig products became subject to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) tobacco authorities, which meant that vape products for sale online and in-store needed to receive authorization to be legally marketed. Manufacturers were given …

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Golden tobacco pods or rich tobacco pods? Which Vuse tobacco flavor is the best?

Even though smokers know that switching from tobacco cigarettes to vaping can greatly reduce their exposure to many toxic and cancer-causing chemicals, nicotine is very addictive and its mood-altering capabilities put a lot of pressure on the former smoker who …

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How do you get the longest lifespan out of your e-cig?

For many vapers, an e-cig remains their preferred nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), and since it is needed to continue to fulfill both mental and physical dependencies, it’s important that the device is properly cared for. Whether you choose to vape …

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Your guide to the best menthol products

Is there a ban on menthol cigarettes? At the end of April 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its plans for a ban on menthol cigarettes with hopes that the elimination of flavoring would reduce the number of …

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How to choose the right device from Vape-eCigs

As a great substitute for those who want to successfully quit combustible cigarettes, e-cigs eliminate many of the health risks of inhaling tobacco without having to experience the harmful side effects of nicotine withdrawal. However, since there are so many …

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