Are disposable or refillable e-cigs better value?

While there are endless advantages to using a disposable or refillable ecig to meet your nicotine needs, the cost is an important consideration as well. In a world where inflation greatly affects the public, it’s essential to set a budget …

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Two of our e-cig brands are now approved for marketing and retail with others still pending

Since August 8, 2016, all e-cig products became subject to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) tobacco authorities, which meant that vape products for sale online and in-store needed to receive authorization to be legally marketed. Manufacturers were given …

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Your guide to e-cig battery safety

Your e-cig battery and charger provide your device with vitality and when these units are not properly cared for, you may be required to purchase a replacement earlier than expected. So, whether you want some maintenance tips or simply want …

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Why is the Logic brand a great choice for transitioning vapers?

Switching your routine can be challenging, especially if you aren’t properly prepared for what the transition involves. Many people fall back into old smoking habits when they’re unable to find a suitable nicotine replacement, which is why Logic vape pens

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How do I know which Logic vape pen suits my nicotine needs?

There are two major factors to consider when selecting your e-liquid’s nicotine strength: your past smoking habits and the type of device you’re using. So, to help you to better navigate the complexity that comes along with decision-making, we recommend …

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Is there a difference between heavy smoking and light smoking? This study will tell you

While countless studies measuring the degree of damage caused by heavy smoking (more than 20 cigarettes per day) have been conducted linking combustible cigarettes to an assortment of diseases, as well as a series of negative effects on the mind …

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How do Logic Disposable Electronic Cigarettes size up against the Logic Power Series?

Most e-cig manufacturers are set on convincing consumers to purchase their brand, but as a retailer of one of the most popular companies on the market, we feel that our time is better spent educating our customers about why each …

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Unanswered questions about your Logic vape pen? strives to be the best e-cigarette distributor on the market and Logic vape pens are the bread and butter of our business. Aside from working hard to maintain an affluent and informative blog filled with vape studies, product how-to’s, …

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Why vapers love shopping on

Competition is the nature of any e-commerce business and while we’re confident that our products and customer service speak great lengths about us, it’s always beneficial to show off a few of the vying advantages that effectively prevail within our …

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Smokers with Math Skills Will More Likely Quit

Statistics about smoking are always scary, especially when they’re laid out to explain things like the average life expectancy of someone who heavily smokes combustible cigarettes. Nevertheless, alarming figures are only numbers that will hold no value if you’re someone …

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