Your guide to e-cig battery safety

Your e-cig battery and charger provide your device with vitality and when these units are not properly cared for, you may be required to purchase a replacement earlier than expected. So, whether you want some maintenance tips or simply want …

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Why is the Logic brand a great choice for transitioning vapers?

Switching your routine can be challenging, especially if you aren’t properly prepared for what the transition involves. Many people fall back into old smoking habits when they’re unable to find a suitable nicotine replacement, which is why Logic vape pens

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How do I know which Logic vape pen suits my nicotine needs?

There are two major factors to consider when selecting your e-liquid’s nicotine strength: your past smoking habits and the type of device you’re using. So, to help you to better navigate the complexity that comes along with decision-making, we recommend …

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Unanswered questions about your Logic vape pen? strives to be the best e-cigarette distributor on the market and Logic vape pens are the bread and butter of our business. Aside from working hard to maintain an affluent and informative blog filled with vape studies, product how-to’s, …

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Why vapers love shopping on

Competition is the nature of any e-commerce business and while we’re confident that our products and customer service speak great lengths about us, it’s always beneficial to show off a few of the vying advantages that effectively prevail within our …

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Why is Logic all the buzz among vapers?

The electronic cigarette industry is booming and Logic remains established as a first-rate brand within a sea of competition. While consumers love Logic products for their versatile simplicity, the compactness of the devices and refills also makes them a discrete …

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Are you up-to-date with this vaping jargon?

Want to expand your current understanding of vaping terminology? If you’re an adult smoker who’s looking to buy Logic e-cigs online or a current vaper who’s interested in knowing more about your favorite past-time, as you experience this wonderful world, …

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How to charge and maintain your Logic vape pen

Congratulations! You’ve invested in a Logic vape pen and, as someone who cares for the longevity of your device, you need to learn to charge and maintain it to ensure maximum efficiency and enjoyment. So, if you want to avoid …

The post How to charge and maintain your Logic vape pen appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

Which Logic product is the right choice for your vaping style?

Girl vaping in the balcony

There are so many factors to consider when you’re shopping around for the best e-cig! So, aside from determining whether you’re a light, moderate or heavy smoker, it’s important to establish your desired e-cig style, the type of vapor product …

The post Which Logic product is the right choice for your vaping style? appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.