How to use a Vuse Vapor e-cig

While performance is one of the most important attributes of a quality vape pen, unmatched style is another consideration for those that want to fully enjoy their product. Since Vuse Vapor e-cigs are well known for being affordable, lightweight, sleek, …

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What are the benefits of disposable vapes?

Nowadays, people have so many accessible ways to subside their nicotine cravings. As a result, many ex-smokers rely on the cig-alike technology of disposable vapes as their preferred method. Convenient and easy-to-enjoy, disposable vape pens—especially those in the blu

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Spring provides a fresh start for becoming tobacco-free

There are many reasons to look forward to spring—warmer temperatures, flowers poking through, and waking up to the birds tweeting. However, with rebirth in the air, it’s the perfect time to redirect your attention to the fresh start you so …

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3 flavors to kick start your spring

Spring is here! This means it’s time to pair up the warmer days with some delicious flavors that boast seasonal ingredients. While the amount of flavor vapes on the market is limited, that doesn’t mean you can’t relish the …

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Stock up on your Vuse Menthol products

On January 24, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued marketing denial orders (MDOs) for Vuse menthol products. While this is a huge step backward for responsible adult vapers that simply want a nicotine e-cig that meets their …

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Have you tried these 3 cold-weather flavors?

With the chilliest days of the year creeping in, it might be time to consider making some adjustments to your winter vaping routine. While cold-weather vaping requires you to keep your device warm and charged, certain flavors are better to …

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3 tips for successful winter vaping

While winter conditions vary based on where you’re located, traditionally January is a chilly month across North America and beyond. As such, the idea of bundling up and heading outside to smoke your combustible cigarette can be daunting, which is …

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Embrace the chills of the season with these 7 menthol vapes

Menthol vape devices are very desirable among the vaping community. Whether you used to smoke menthol-flavored combustible cigarettes or after quitting tobacco you needed a change, it’s no secret that these unique, minty mixtures are exactly what vapers need to …

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3 things you should know before choosing your menthol product

Those who used to smoke menthols know all too well that when transitioning from smoking to vaping, there’s nothing like a fresh hit off your menthol vape to start the day. That said, just because the menthol e-cig was designed …

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