Are you up-to-date with this vaping jargon?

Want to expand your current understanding of vaping terminology? If you’re an adult smoker who’s looking to buy Logic e-cigs online or a current vaper who’s interested in knowing more about your favorite past-time, as you experience this wonderful world, …

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How to charge and maintain your Logic vape pen

Congratulations! You’ve invested in a Logic vape pen and, as someone who cares for the longevity of your device, you need to learn to charge and maintain it to ensure maximum efficiency and enjoyment. So, if you want to avoid …

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How smoking tobacco cigarettes can damage your body

Although you’re well aware of the relationship between smoking combustible cigarettes and the development of various cancers, many smokers neglect to think about the other ways that tobacco can be damaging to their bodies. So, if you need that extra …

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Steps to reducing your nicotine levels

While you may feel empowered enough to try and quit smoking cold turkey, part of giving up your dependence to tobacco and nicotine relies on your ability to understand your triggers and adapt your behavior accordingly. It isn’t just the …

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How to decide which Logic device suits your nicotine needs

Were you aware that tobacco naturally contains small amounts of nicotine and that each combustible cigarette brand adds its own desired amount during production? All that considered, it can be difficult for new vape users to determine how much nicotine …

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Why Black-Market Vape Devices Give High-Quality Brands a Bad Name

Modified devices are the type of vaping technology that has been linked to breathing problems and illnesses, and in June 2019 cases emerged all across the country addressing issues with black-market liquids that contained vitamin E acetate, a chemical

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Why vapers enjoy Logic

Logic vape pens offer everything from simplistic disposables to more progressive designs that allow users to effortlessly switch from flavor to flavor. So, while you may find yourself drawn to devices based on the word-of-mouth of your peers, this life-changing …

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Study reports smoking as a factor in coronavirus death cases

While many people have quit smoking combustible cigarettes in the past because of the impact it has on their health, it’s more important than ever to take the plunge and formulate your new routine. The coronavirus has quickly spread around …

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Why you should embrace nicotine in a heat-not-burn form

While smoking is a habit that many people start in their adolescent years, the truth is that no one really wants to jeopardize their health through the inhalation of harmful chemicals. So, since experimentation and peer pressure are two prominent …

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Missing sweet extracts? EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarettes are offered in a variety of fruity flavors

Since the imposed fruit and mint-flavored e-cigarette ban, it has become increasingly difficult to grab hold of enriching flavors that help to combat your tobacco and nicotine cravings. So, if you’ve been wanting to get your hands on a flavored …

The post Missing sweet extracts? EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarettes are offered in a variety of fruity flavors appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.