How do Logic Disposable Electronic Cigarettes size up against the Logic Power Series?

Most e-cig manufacturers are set on convincing consumers to purchase their brand, but as a retailer of one of the most popular companies on the market, we feel that our time is better spent educating our customers about why each …

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How is the FDA regulating e-cigs?

Smoking combustible cigarettes is a damaging habit that greatly affects your body, leading to an assortment of harmful health and wellness issues. That being said, many ex-smokers have e-cigarettes to thank for their progressive transformations to smokeless, nicotine-controlled routines that …

The post How is the FDA regulating e-cigs? appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

What’s an electronic cigarette and how can it be used to reduce your nicotine intake?

It can be particularly difficult to find a stop smoking aid that, when combined with the right type of support system, will allow you to toss away your pack of combustibles for good. While you may have tried to quit …

The post What’s an electronic cigarette and how can it be used to reduce your nicotine intake? appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

Enjoy this compilation of answers to technical FAQs about Logic devices

Whether you’re new to vaping technology or grandfathered in but simply transitioning from a less superior brand, there’s a lot to learn about the power of a Logic device. As one of the choice manufacturers chosen to work with the …

The post Enjoy this compilation of answers to technical FAQs about Logic devices appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

Unanswered questions about your Logic vape pen? strives to be the best e-cigarette distributor on the market and Logic vape pens are the bread and butter of our business. Aside from working hard to maintain an affluent and informative blog filled with vape studies, product how-to’s, …

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Why vapers love shopping on

Competition is the nature of any e-commerce business and while we’re confident that our products and customer service speak great lengths about us, it’s always beneficial to show off a few of the vying advantages that effectively prevail within our …

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Smokers with Math Skills Will More Likely Quit

Statistics about smoking are always scary, especially when they’re laid out to explain things like the average life expectancy of someone who heavily smokes combustible cigarettes. Nevertheless, alarming figures are only numbers that will hold no value if you’re someone …

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Why is Logic all the buzz among vapers?

The electronic cigarette industry is booming and Logic remains established as a first-rate brand within a sea of competition. While consumers love Logic products for their versatile simplicity, the compactness of the devices and refills also makes them a discrete …

The post Why is Logic all the buzz among vapers? appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

What are the benefits of quitting smoking now

Your body will begin to renew itself when you give up combustible cigarettes, which has the power to improve the length and quality of your life. However, breaking this cycle of addiction isn’t easy and often requires ex-smokers to use …

The post What are the benefits of quitting smoking now appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

Enjoy nationwide shipping as Logic moves closer to FDA approval

While most vapers know that Logic offers high-quality e-cigs with replacement capsule and cartomizer refills as well as disposable options, most are unaware of strides the brand has taken towards gaining FDA approval. So, while you’re enjoying the pop-and-go …

The post Enjoy nationwide shipping as Logic moves closer to FDA approval appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.