4 tips that help curb your tobacco cravings

If nicotine patches, nicotine, gum, and self-help books aren’t working for you, maybe it’s time to expand your search for other methods that will help to curb your tobacco and nicotine cravings. The following four tips are simple and effective and may be your ticket to a smoke-free lifestyle. 

Tip #1: Try to drink more water when cravings hit

While it’s recommended that men drink about 3.7 liters and women drink about 2.7 liters of water in any given day to stay healthy and hydrated, if you’re a smoker who’s on the edge of quitting but needs something to keep you off the peak of intense cravings, it’s recommended that you pour yourself a cold glass of water and drink it each time your hankering for nicotine comes knocking. 

Tip #2: Take a shower 

Although we aren’t suggesting that water has any all-powerful qualities when it comes to quitting smoking, we are recommending that it can work well for relaxation. Since most ex-smokers and transitioning smokers have not used their bathrooms as a place to indulge in a combustible cigarette, it’s a great place to distract yourself and better manage your triggers.

Tip #3: Throw your combustible cigarettes away properly

While you may choose to throw your combustible cigarettes in the trash, it’s easy enough to fish them out if your nicotine cravings become too overpowering. So, if you want to ensure that tobacco doesn’t touch your lips, soak them first in water and soap to remove any last-minute temptations. 

Tip #4: Find the best e-cig to quit smoking and use it

For many people who are fighting off nicotine cravings, the cold turkey method won’t cut it. They need time to wean themselves off higher concentration strengths and years spent habitually lifting their thin combustible cigarette to their mouth, inhaling, and exhaling. E-cigs are a popular nicotine replacement method because they look, feel, operate, and taste like a real cigarette and they allow the user to choose a flavor and nicotine concentration level and lower it at a rate that meets their needs. While the best e-cig to quit smoking is different for everyone, our website has a wide assortment of choices, giving ex-smokers the biggest opportunity for quit-smoking success. 

Which of the above tips do you feel is most helpful? Drop a comment below to share.

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