How to charge and maintain your Logic vape pen

Congratulations! You’ve invested in a Logic vape pen and, as someone who cares for the longevity of your device, you need to learn to charge and maintain it to ensure maximum efficiency and enjoyment. So, if you want to avoid …

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Steps to reducing your nicotine levels

While you may feel empowered enough to try and quit smoking cold turkey, part of giving up your dependence to tobacco and nicotine relies on your ability to understand your triggers and adapt your behavior accordingly. It isn’t just the …

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E-liquid nicotine strengths explained

woman smoking vape pen

Congratulations! You’ve decided to break free from your intense cravings for tobacco and start a new journey with e-cigarettes. Firstly, in order to successfully undergo this transformation, you must understand that smoking is a compulsion that’s hard to break. While

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What is nicotine poisoning and how can it be prevented?

 nicotine poisoning

Nicotine is an addictive chemical that is found within tobacco products, such as combustible cigarettes. While it acts as a stimulant in small doses, larger amounts actually have the power to block various autonomic nerve and skeletal muscle cells. So,

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Is it safe to vape around your kids?

vaping around kids

As a parent, it’s your job to protect your children, because their safety is your number one priority. This is probably a contributing factor as to why you chose to stop smoking combustible cigarettes. Most people need help combating their

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Vaping etiquette in the workplace

vaping etiquette

In a world where vaping has become extremely mainstream, social vaping breaks are still not as widely common as a group of co-workers taking a quick smoke break. The great news is that e-cig’s smokeless and odorless vapor have little

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Mouth to lung or direct to lung vaping: What’s the difference?

popular vaping technique

How you inhale vapor offers its own unique set of advantages. There are two fundamental vaping styles — mouth to lung vaping (MTL) and direct to lung vaping (DTL). Determining the way your mouth interacts with your e-cig device is

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Steps to keeping your Logic Pro vape pen clean

logic vape pen

After investing in a solid Logic Pro starter kit, it is important to understand how to properly clean the device in order to maintain its longevity. Since a vape pen makes direct contact with your mouth, it is hygenic

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