Is casual smoking bad for you?

is casual smoking bad
Mature beautiful woman sitting at a street cafeteria and smoking cigarette. Unhealthy habit.

The perception of casual smoking has evolved, with many believing that light smoking poses minimal risks. However, recent studies challenge this notion, indicating that even infrequent smoking …

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The shocking link between smoking and bladder cancer

smoking and bladder cancer
Stop smoking, woman holding a broken cigarette.

Smoking has long been known as a leading cause of lung cancer, but what many people are unaware of is that it also possesses a strong connection to bladder cancer. In fact, recent …

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Top fall flavors for vaping

As the air turns crisp and the days grow shorter, autumn invites us to indulge in a variety of delightful flavors. For vapers, flavored e-cigs are the perfect way to celebrate the season. If you need some help deciding which …

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How many puffs are in a Vuse pod?

Providing a contemporary solution for those transitioning away from conventional cigarettes, Vuse stands out as a pioneering e-cig brand for users looking to grab hold of the best quit smoking alternatives. Contrasting Vuse pods with cigarettes, which deliver nicotine through …

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Study: Smoking during pregnancy raises odds of overweight children

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Alberta revealed alarming insights into the impact of smoking during pregnancy. The findings indicate that mothers who smoke are more likely to give birth to overweight children. Whether you need …

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Can vaping help you quit smoking?

Quitting smoking is a different journey for everyone, but with the right tools and strategies, it’s achievable for all. Many smokers turn to vaping as a potential aid in their efforts to kick the habit. But can vaping really help …

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Nicotine use and stress

Nicotine, primarily consumed through smoking combustible cigarettes, is commonly associated as a stress reliever for many individuals. However, this relationship between nicotine use and stress is more complex. For those looking for tips to quit smoking, this blog will shed …

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What research says about smoking and IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements, including diarrhea and constipation. While the exact cause of IBS is not fully understood, research suggests that various factors,…

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Why we believe in sensible regulations over flavor bans

The debate over vaping and its role in tobacco harm reduction has intensified over the past couple of years, particularly with the proposed bans on flavored tobacco products. Here at Vape-eCigs, we firmly advocate for sensible regulations that prioritize …

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Comparing the health effects of e-cigs versus traditional cigarettes

As society shifts towards healthier lifestyles, e-cigs have gained traction as a preferable alternative to traditional cigarettes. With numerous advantages over their combustible counterparts, e-cigs operate by heating the liquid to create an inhalable vapor, whereas traditional cigarettes produce harmful …

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