6 tips to help you break up with smoking

Breaking up with smoking can be a challenging journey, but it’s a step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. Whether you’re a long-term smoker or a casual one, quitting is a significant accomplishment. To help you on this path, …

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Can you reverse damage to your lungs from smoking?

While smoking combustible cigarettes is a well-known health hazard, with devastating consequences for lung health, the sooner you quit smoking, the sooner your body can begin to heal. However, the question that many smokers and former smokers often ask is …

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5 compelling reasons to quit smoking today

Smoking has long been recognized as a detrimental habit that poses significant health risks to users. Despite this knowledge, many people find it challenging to quit smoking due to its addictive nature. However, there are numerous compelling reasons to take …

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The effects of smoking on the body

Whether smoked or chewed, tobacco is dangerous to your health and well-being. However, that danger increases when chemicals like acetone and tar are added to the mix. These ingredients are commonly in combustible cigarettes, and when inhaled, they drastically affect …

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Spring provides a fresh start for becoming tobacco-free

There are many reasons to look forward to spring—warmer temperatures, flowers poking through, and waking up to the birds tweeting. However, with rebirth in the air, it’s the perfect time to redirect your attention to the fresh start you so …

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Make 2023 your year to quit smoking

Just because January is the most popular month for users to try and quit smoking, doesn’t make it any easier to succeed. While wanting to wave goodbye to combustible cigarettes is the first step of a lengthy journey, having a …

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FLIQ Vapor or blu? Which brand has better disposables?

With seemingly less choice on the market due to rising FDA restrictions, vapers often find themselves settling for whatever they can get their hands on. While we understand you don’t want to be left without, properly satisfying your nicotine cravings …

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Red, white & blue: Three blu e-cig flavors to vape this Independence Day

Happy Independence Day! Whether you plan to spend the day with those you love simplistically enjoying a picnic or barbeque rather than brace the crowds at a baseball game or parade, as a vaper, it’s important to be prepared with …

The post Red, white & blue: Three blu e-cig flavors to vape this Independence Day appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

Here’s how vaping is cheaper than smoking

While there are many advantages to the health and well-being of a vaper versus those who continue to smoke, one of the overlooked benefits that persist is the cost. The use of e-cigs is undoubtedly cheaper than smoking combustible cigarettes, …

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Combustible cigarette smoking and how it impacts your hearing

Experiencing some degree of hearing loss is a common occurrence for many seniors. However, there’s growing evidence suggesting a strong association between cigarette smoking patterns and hearing impairments. While taking precautions against excessive noise exposure is one way to reduce …

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