Go green this Earth Day by switching to e-cigs

Although there are many significant ways that humans help the planet,this Earth Day (April 22), you can make the highly manageable individual contribution of officially quitting combustible cigarettes. Aside from the long list of benefits to your health and well-being, …

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Why vapers love shopping on eon-smoke.com

Competition is the nature of any e-commerce business and while we’re confident that our products and customer service speak great lengths about us, it’s always beneficial to show off a few of the vying advantages that effectively prevail within our …

The post Why vapers love shopping on eon-smoke.com appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

Enjoy nationwide shipping as Logic moves closer to FDA approval

While most vapers know that Logic offers high-quality e-cigs with replacement capsule and cartomizer refills as well as disposable options, most are unaware of strides the brand has taken towards gaining FDA approval. So, while you’re enjoying the pop-and-go …

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Are you up-to-date with this vaping jargon?

Want to expand your current understanding of vaping terminology? If you’re an adult smoker who’s looking to buy Logic e-cigs online or a current vaper who’s interested in knowing more about your favorite past-time, as you experience this wonderful world, …

The post Are you up-to-date with this vaping jargon? appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.