Smoking reduces natural defenses against COVID-19, study

We’ve been hearing it in the headlines: “Smokers are at a greater risk of COVID-19 complications”, but have you been keeping up-to-date with the research that’s backing this theory? Scientists have come a long way since first seeing the virus …

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4 benefits of vaping over smoking

The demand for e-cigs is increasing day by day, and believe it or not, there’s an ongoing list of benefits contributing to people making the transition. Changing your mindset can prove to be a difficult task, but with the right …

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Starting this June, e-cigs to become prescription-only items in Australia

Currently, state and territory laws throughout Australia make the sale and possession of nicotine-containing e-cigarettes and e-juices illegal, except for South Australia. However, by mid-year, with a doctor’s prescription, many Australians will now gain access to the products they need …

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Ring in 2021 with a fresh new e-cig flavor

After a year widely panned as one of the worst in modern history, you’re likely ready to wipe the slate clean and start fresh on January 1st. While there are still many elements of our day-to-day lives that you won’t …

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Which Blu Disposable Embellish the Holidays?

While there are a variety of reasons to celebrate during December — Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa to name a few — as a vaper, one of the best ways you can get into the spirit of the season is by …

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Things to consider before placing your Vuse Vapor order

When you’re trying to decide which electronic cigarette is right for you, it’s important to consider the following factors: nicotine concentration level, flavor variety, and the color of your device. Light to heavy ex-smokers find the most success in vaping …

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Introducing Vuse Vapor & Blu at Our Inventory

As we mentioned in a previous blog, we have been in the works of rebranding our website, and with that comes a wave of new products, flavors, and nicotine strengths to allow us to better accommodate your needs and …

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Will you be able to order e-cigs to your state?

Since vaping and e-cigarette laws vary from state-to-state, it can be difficult to memorize which rules and regulations you need to follow. Variances between state minimum purchase ages, and flavor bans in specific states can lead to frustration when you …

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Everything you need to know about your FLIQ disposable device

FLIQ disposable devices come in eight delicious flavors 

Earlier this year, e-cig manufacturers were forced to cease production of all flavored, cartridge-based electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) products as a measure put in place by the Food and Drug Administration …

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What are the best-tasting e-liquid flavors for beginners?

While 2020 has continued to be the year that brings forth a surplus of challenges, one of the biggest difficulties that vapers have faced is the prohibition of fruit, candy, mint, and dessert flavored cartridge-based e-cigarettes. While menthol and tobacco …

The post What are the best-tasting e-liquid flavors for beginners? appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.