WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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U.S. FDA Approval in process

4-pack JUUL Virginia Tobacco 5%

$21.99 $19.79 10 % off
Qty Single Order Recurring Order * Recurring discounts begin with your 2nd order
1+ $19.79 $18.80
2–9 $19.65 $18.60
10–19 $19.30 $18.40
20–29 $19.10 $18.21
30+ $18.80 $17.81

Juul Pods' classic Tobacco Vape Juice has earthy notes, a smooth finish, and each JUULpod contains ~0.7mL with 5.0% nicotine by weight.

These JUULpods contain the uniquely satisfying tobacco flavored JUUL vape juice. Juul’s proprietary formulation combines nicotine, benzoic acid, glycerol, propylene glycol, and tobacco flavor. Together with world-class vape technology, this proprietary chemistry enables the JUULpod to deliver a tobacco flavored vape experience like no other.

We sell all of your favorite pre-filled JUUL pod juices and devices!

Choose from all the FDA pending approval flavors including tobacco and menthol or shop Fliq vapor devices if you're looking for other FDA pending approval flavored e-cigs in flavors like Grapple Berry, Limeade, Pear Apple, Peach, Cool Melon, and Blueberry Raspberry (Blue Razz).


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