How do you clean your e-cig and vaping equipment?

Cleanliness is paramount when it comes to e-cigarettes, regardless of which type you prefer. Even if you opt for disposable units, it’s crucial to wipe them down after a few days of use. With summer in full swing and vapers taking advantage of the season’s many outdoor activities, keeping your vaping equipment free of sand, dust, and debris is more important than ever. To maintain your vaping gear in pristine condition, here are some simple recommendations to help keep it spotless.

Start with the mouthpiece

Taking care of your vaping equipment is crucial if you want to ensure that it functions properly and lasts longer. Specifically, since the mouthpiece is the part of the device that comes into contact with your mouth, it’s of utmost importance to clean it daily. If you’re using a disposable e-cig, we suggest wiping the mouthpiece gently with a fresh paper towel or baby wipes. However, if you own a refillable e-cig, you can remove the mouthpiece from the tank and battery, making it easier to clean thoroughly. In this case, you can use cotton swabs to reach those tiny, hard-to-reach crevices that can accumulate dirt and grime. It’s always a good idea to wipe the mouthpiece as often as you feel it’s necessary to maintain hygiene and a good vaping experience. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your vaping device stays in good condition and provides you with a satisfying vaping experience.

Don’t forget the tanks, batteries, and chargers 


  • Begin by disassembling your e-cigarette. Remove the tank from the battery, take apart the mouthpiece, and if possible, disengage any other removable parts such as the coils and the atomizer head.

Cleaning Connection Terminals:

  • With your e-cigarette disassembled, now focus on cleaning the connection terminals as they are prone to accumulating dust and residue which could impede the electrical connection.
  • Dip a cotton swab in warm water, ensuring it’s moist but not dripping wet. Gently swab around the connection terminals to remove any visible dust or residue. For more stubborn grime, a few drops of rubbing alcohol on the swab can be more effective. Let it air dry completely or pat dry with a clean paper towel.

Cleaning the Tank and Mouthpiece:

  • Rinse the tank and mouthpiece under warm water to dislodge any remaining e-liquid or debris. If necessary, use a bit of mild dish soap to clean thoroughly.
  • For a deeper clean, you may soak the tank and mouthpiece in warm water mixed with a few drops of dish soap for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse and dry completely.

Cleaning the Charger Cord:

  • It’s equally important to clean the charger cord to ensure efficient charging. Take a paper towel dampened with a little warm water and gently wipe down the length of the cord, paying special attention to the connectors. Allow the cord to air dry before using it again.


  • Once all the components are clean and completely dry, reassemble your e-cigarette. Ensure that all parts are securely connected but not overly tightened to avoid damaging the threads.

Maintaining Coils and Replacing When Necessary:

  • While cleaning, inspect the coils for any signs of wear, burnt areas, or any other damage. It’s advisable to replace the coils regularly as per the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure the best vaping experience.

Regular Cleaning Schedule:

  • Establish a regular cleaning schedule based on your usage to keep your e-cigarette in top condition. A weekly or bi-weekly cleaning routine can significantly enhance the performance and lifespan of your vaping equipment.

*While we recommend wiping down your mouthpiece daily, the other pieces of your e-cig can be cleaned every week—unless it becomes dirty due to chosen activities.  

What about your replacement e-liquids?

Most vapers carry replacement disposable devices or replacement e-liquid pods to ensure that they don’t run out between vapes. Some even possess a stockpile of replacements in their homes just in case an online shipment is delayed. Needless to say, replacement e-liquids that remain in their original packaging don’t require regular cleaning. Simply unpackage them when you’re ready to use them. However, if you happen to open up the package to leave your replacement sitting, give it a wipe-down like everything else to ensure any collected dust is gone before you use it. 

How often do you clean your e-cig? Drop a comment below to compare with other readers. 

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