Since August 8, 2016, all e-cig products became subject to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) tobacco authorities, which meant that vape products for sale online and in-store needed to receive authorization to be legally marketed. Manufacturers were given until September 9, 2020, to submit their applications—which included a list of products and ingredients. Not even two years later, two of our e-cig brands are now approved for marketing and retail, with many more pending application approvals. Continue reading to learn more about which products are secured for the long-term.
Which two brands can be legally marketed in the U.S.?
While all five of our featured brands possess pending applications, two are now officially approved! On October 12, 2021, the Vuse Solo Power Unit and the Vuse Solo 4.8% Original Tobacco Cartridges became the first FDA-approved e-cigs. And now, as of March 24, 2022, the Logic brand has something to celebrate, as it becomes the second e-cig manufacturer to receive FDA marketing approval. This green light to market has been given to both the Logic Pro and Logic Power devices; and while tobacco cartomizers and capsules are the only approved flavor to date, menthol is still under review.
What you need to know as some who vapes
- FDA-approved e-cigs are select products developed by manufacturers who completed the appropriate paperwork and submitted it to the FDA by the 2020 deadline.
- FDA-approved e-cigs are select products that have been formally approved by the FDA.
- FDA-approved e-cigs are select products that are legally available for sale.
- FDA-approved e-cigs are select products that have demonstrated that the marketing of the products is appropriate for the protection of public health
- FDA-approved e-cigs are select products that benefit adult smokers who are attempting to reduce their combustible cigarette usage.
- FDA-approved e-cigs are select products that help adult smokers quit traditional cigarettes with little to no risk of falling into the hands of underage youth.
Which products are FDA-approved e-cigs?
Here at Vape-eCigs, we have two brands with three products that are FDA-approved e-cigs:
- Vuse Solo Tobacco Cartridges
- Logic Power Platinum Label Tobacco Cartomizers
- Logic Pro Black Label Tobacco Capsules
Which of the above tobacco e-cigs is your favorite? Drop a comment below to let other shoppers know!
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