Tobacco and nicotine cravings and urges can be powerful, which is one of the main reasons that smokers delay their quitting plans. However, for those who are dedicated to stopping combustible cigarette use for good, their success rests with their ability to supplement their nicotine cravings with tools and processes that help them resist these urges. Here are 3 recommendations to help users lower their nicotine intake and say goodbye to traditional cigarettes for good!
Avoid things that trigger you
Quitting combustible cigarettes cold turkey isn’t for everyone and since tobacco and nicotine urges can quickly creep up on the user unexpectedly, it’s important for them to know their trigger situations. When you can Identify the things and places that possess the potential to trigger your cravings, it’s easier to avoid stresses and anxieties that may contribute to an accidental slip up. For example, if you used to smoke traditional cigarettes at gatherings with your friends and family, it may be best to avoid any upcoming parties where vast attendees could be smoking around you. Now, we aren’t saying that you need to cut loved ones out of your life just because they smoke, we’re encouraging that you remain out of tempting situations at the beginning of your transition to avoid a smoking relapse.
Find distractions that work for you
Since each person is unique, what works to combat your nicotine craving is likely to differ from those around you. So, if you’re feeling like you need something to distract you from your need to smoke, make a list of ways to keep busy.
Here are some of our recommendations:
- Delay your regression by telling yourself to wait another 10 minutes before considering a combustible cigarette. Those wanting to avoid a relapse completely should consider having some disposable e-cigs with nicotine on hand as a substitute when the cravings kick in.
- Chew on something whenever you feel overwhelmed. We suggest gum, hard candy, raw vegetables, nuts, or sunflower seeds as a great crunchy and satisfying substitute. Seek out sugar free items to maintain healthier teeth and minimize caloric intake.
- Develop an exercise routine that will help to distract you and reduce the intensity of your cravings. Even a short burst of physical activity, such as a walk or running up stairs, can help keep your cravings at bay.
- Research and try out some relaxation techniques as a stand-in for coping with stress. Activities like deep-breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, massage, or listening to music are a great way to help keep the edge off when resisting your tobacco or nicotine cravings.
Test out some nicotine replacement therapies
While there’s a variety of nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) available on the market, there’s no one way that works for every transitioning smoker.
Your current NRT options include:
- Disposable e-cigs with nicotine which will help satisfy both your nicotine needs and the hand to mouth motion and inhaling you are used to in an easy, ready-to-go form
- Replaceable e-cigs with nicotine: Similar to the disposable option, these tend to be more cost effective and environmentally friendly
- Prescription nicotine in nasal spray or an inhaler
- Over-the-counter nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges
It’s important to know that some NRTs, like nicotine gum, are short-acting nicotine replaces that help you to overcome intense cravings, while other NRTs, such as disposable e-cigs with nicotine, are long-term therapies that help the user to lower their nicotine consumption at a rate that works for their quit schedule.
Do you have any other tips for lowering your nicotine intake? Please share them with our readers in the comments section below.
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