Although there are many significant ways that humans help the planet,this Earth Day (April 22), you can make the highly manageable individual contribution of officially quitting combustible cigarettes. Aside from the long list of benefits to your health and well-being, the environmental aspects of quitting smoking are huge, and it all starts with successfully transitioning to a more sustainable solution, such as e-cigs. Not to demonize smokers, but sustainable e-cigs allow users to take better control of their nicotine intake, make more educated decisions about their health, and help to combat many growing environmental issues that will allow a healthier planet for the generations to come.
E-cigs contribute less air pollution
While tobacco cigarettes are made up of some form of plant materials, they mostly contain toxic chemicals, some of which are carcinogenic. In combustion, oxygen from the air and intense heat causes the atoms of chemicals found naturally within the tobacco plant to reorganize into new chemical compounds. So, while there are more than 2,500 chemicals present in tobacco, combustion transforms these into more than 4,000, seventy of which are known to be cancer-causing. These harmful chemicals are then dispersed into the air around you causing a significant amount of very toxic air pollution each day.
That being said, vapor that’s generated by e-cigs does not have the same chemical structure as combustible cigarettes and is devised of five primary ingredients — nicotine, PG, VG, water, and various flavorings — making it safer to the environment and those in the vicinity around you.
There are no butts left behind
While the contents of your combustible cigarette burn up upon inhalation, the plastic butt left behind often finds its way into sidewalk nooks and the gutters of city streets, as well as within our forests, streams, and oceans. Every single butt is a little bit of poison that you’re leaving behind, and throughout the lifetime of a smoker, that garbage adds up!
Unlike traditional cigarettes, e-cigs have fewer components that classify as waste. In fact, many products qualify to be recycled and once cleaned can be put in with your other salvaged items to be broken down and reused. Needless to say, the most sustainable e-cigs are those that can be charged between uses and refilled time and time again, such as the Logic Power Series, the Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System, the Vuse Alto, Solo, and Vibe Power Units, blu PLUS+ and myblu devices, and of course, the innovative JUUL pods.
What other ways are e-cigs greener than their combustible counterparts? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.
The post Go green this Earth Day by switching to e-cigs appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.