Whether you currently buy e-cigs online as your solution to remaining smoke-free or you’re gearing towards quitting because of recent pressures put on by this global pandemic, either way, you should be making strides towards a healthier lifestyle that will enhance your well-being in the long run. Since we’re learning more and more about the COVID-19 virus every day, if you’re on the fence about quitting combustibles, continue reading to find out why it should be your top priority!
The details of the debunked survey and study findings
Smokers and vegetarians were found to have lower seropositivity — a positive result in a test of blood serum for the presence of the virus — indicating that they may be at a lesser risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus, the debunked pan-India study suggested. Also, those with an ‘O’ blood type are less susceptible, while people with ‘B’ and ‘AB’ are at higher risk.
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) took samples from 10,427 voluntary adults working in its laboratories and institutions and their family members, to assess the presence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. It was found that 1,058 participants (10.14 percent) had antibodies against the virus. A further 346 seropositive individuals among the sample revealed higher antibody levels three months later, but declining plasma activity for neutralizing the virus. A repeat sampling of 35 of the individuals was completed six months later, with a further decline in antibody levels from the three-month mark. The study of the survey results concluded that smokers were less likely to be seropositive, and despite growing evidence that smoking causes respiratory disease, smoking was proactive at keeping COVID-19 at bay.
What did health experts uncover a short time after?
India’s top health experts quickly countered the CSIR survey, further claiming that smoking cannot protect the population against COVID-19, as it reduces the bodies’ immune response by making antibodies disappear at a faster rate — which is likely the reason that the seroprevalence in smokers is lower. In conclusion, they said there is no cause-and-effect association established in the above survey findings.
Additionally, smokers are still addressed as the more vulnerable population prone to COVID-19 infection due to their increased touching between fingers and lips, augmenting transmissibility.
What can smokers do to boost their immune system?
Smoking combustible cigarettes are known to comprise the balance of your immune system. However, there are some ways you can work to boost your health immunity:
- Quit smoking cold turkey
- Buy e-cigs online and slowly lower your nicotine levels over time
- Buy e-cigs online to remove tobacco from the equation and help your body to start repairing its respiratory system, alongside other health conditions
- Exercise daily
- Eat well and maintain a healthy weight
- Get good sleep
- Wash your hands frequently
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