What Does it Take to Remain Tobacco-free?

Smoking combustible cigarettes have likely become an ingrained part of your daily ritual and regardless of how long you have been doing it, it’s equally as difficult to cope with the stressful whirlwind of cravings and anxious behaviors that can come flooding in when you eliminate it from your routine. Thus, it’s important for you to keep in mind that each day you’re tobacco-free is a small achievement and that the real victory lays ahead — never smoking again. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, continue reading to better understand other elemental details of your quitting process. 

How to overcome your dependencies when you decide to stop smoking? 

If you want to successfully remain tobacco-free then you’ll need to address both your physical addiction and your psychological habits. Physically your mind and body have become dependent on nicotine, relying on traditional cigarettes to stimulate the brain and intensify its receptors to make you “feel good”. On the other hand, smokers are also psychologically vulnerable to smoking, as it has become a mental dependency, contributing to their chain of addiction. This routine crutch has long-since steadied your behaviors, alleviated stresses, and has continued to heavily weigh your recreational time — having a smoke with your morning coffee, smoke breaks at work, and even taking a walk with your cigarette. So, addressing this addiction and the habits and routines that follow, are some of the first steps that a smoker must take to when they’re formulating a quit plan.

How do you get through the withdrawal phase? 

Rather than going cold turkey, we always recommend that heavy ex-smokers use a Logic vape pen when they’re trying to cut down on their nicotine needs. This is because it’s more important that smokers remain tobacco-free, lowering their risks of health effects that are caused by tobacco and giving them the choice to vape nicotine in controlled amounts that are easy to lower over time. 

That being said, for those already using a Logic vape pen and are still struggling to remain tobacco-free, here are some tips to help get you through the rough patch: 

  • Spend as much time as you can in public spaces where no smoking is allowed. This will help you stay away from the smell of tobacco and the sight of other smokers. 
  • Drink lots of water, eat well, and get enough sleep every night. This will give you the energy you need to resist urges and handle stress. 
  • If you miss the feeling of holding a cigarette, simply hold something else. A Logic vape pen is a great cig-a-like device, as it looks and feels similar to your once-loved cigarette. 
  • Create new habits by asking your friends and family to not smoke around you. 
  • Practice deep breathing exercises and picture your lungs filling with fresh air. 
  • Focus on quitting smoking and getting healthy and remember to set goals. Quitting is an ongoing learning process, so you need to be patient and kind with yourself, even if you slip up. 
  • Talk to a friend, family member or even the stop-smoking help-line if you feel that you’re in need of the extra help or support. 
  • Reward yourself for your efforts. Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest things you ever overcome in your life and it should be something that’s celebrated. Try telling yourself that if you stay smoke-free, you’ll use the money you would have spent on cigarettes and go on a vacation. 

If you’re thinking of reaching for a cigarette, reach for a Logic vape pen instead!

What has been your biggest setback and how have you learned from it? Drop a comment below to share with other readers.

The post What Does it Take to Remain Tobacco-free? appeared first on Blog Vape-Ecigs.

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